Saturday, September 22, 2012


Our winter straw count has begun.    Yesterday we picked up four new bales, totaling six bales of straw for winter, 2012, 2013.  

While Alaska is being torn apart by winds and floods (sounds like it's merciless), we are experiencing an early , very welcome, cool down.   From hot to frost in one week.  

The winter prep is slow as each house must be assessed and repaired.   We're lucky enough to have new pallets, as well, which requires lifting each house and replacing the under pallet.   The dogs appreciate the repairs so much that they vie for the newly repaired houses as they come along.
They actually have 'sit ins'... the first dog to get the house stays in it, pretty cute.

Actually, the house dogs do the same thing.  They vie for the best dog bed and play musical beds at bed time, moving from one to another until one 'wins'.  I can't see the difference in the house beds, but I think it's positioning... wherever they perceive the best view or position to be.
Photos from last night's bedtime trail walk.

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