Saturday, August 25, 2012

Siberian Husky needs new home

A two year old, neutered male, purebred Siberian Husky named Chewie (Chewbacca) needs a new home.
He is currently living in Neenah, WI and needs room to run and friends to run with him.   If you can refer him or adopt him, please call :  Rachel Leary, 920.216.6076 or message us on Facebook or on this blog.
Thank you!

Still summer

Very hot and humid yesterday and again today.   There is a hint of fall but this weather reminds us that it is still summer.   Lillen is having a problem with her back leg, so she's receiving injections.
We're hoping it is temporary but she is almost 16 and has outlived all of the other dogs of her SPK era.   She's tough headed, tough bodied, just generally as tough as she is sweet.   We're doing what we can for her.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The fruit is sparse this year... few blueberries, better raspberries, fewer blackberries and almost
no cherries, but here the deer are finding the few dropped cherries.